Collaborative Law

Collaborative law aims to resolve disputes without going to court. We are trained collaborative lawyers, here to help you negotiate on your behalf with minimal conflict.
The Collaborative Law approach helps all family members come through the divorce with much less trauma and stress. Because the parents are not fighting, the children adjust better.
For around 136,000 couples every year, divorce is a reality they have to get used to. Many couples end up fighting each other in Court , but it does not have to be that way. Started in 1990 by a Minnesota lawyer, Stu Webb, Collaborative Law aims to resolve disputes without going to Court. Both parties agree to settle the case out of Court through negotiations with the help of their respective lawyers.
We are trained Collaborative lawyers. If you want to settle your case out of Court, we will guide negotiations, manage conflict and help you and your partner find solutions that work.

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Thank you for helping me in this difficult situation. I felt so much better having you by my side and knowing that I could always call or email for advice.
from International Divorce Client
Thank you for helping me in this difficult situation. I felt so much better having you by my side and knowing that I could always call or email for advice.
from International Divorce Client

Die Anwaltskanzlei Beyar Family Law Solicitors ist ausschließlich im Bereich des internationalen Scheidungs- und Familienrechts tätig

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